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30 Miles Saturday 4/4/2009

Posted April 5th, 2009 at 08:20 PM by rceezy

Okay... not as many miles as I would have liked BUT! I did get to take her out while my little monstars were at their grandparents.

I am still having a little trouble on take off and shifting is a little wierd to me but hopefully with more practice and miles, it will be second nature.

David and I took off before his parents on some great country roads. He led while I followed 4 seconds behind. I never noticed how COLD it was riding in 70 degree weather on a bike! I guess I was always blocked by David while I was riding passenger with him!

*Mental Note* I'll need a sweater underneath my perforated leather jacket!

Anyway... I took it nice and easy. I am still new to riding so I wanted to make sure I paced myself and also mentally prepared myself for cars, people, and possible debris.

So... I'm tooting along... enjoying the scenery, my teeth are chattering (gosh, I didn't know how chilly the wind could make me feel), and I feel so free. There's not a thought running through my mind except that I'm DOING IT.

I have finally been able to purchase and invest in a "hobby" that I have fallen in love with. Growing up I wasn't into anything - I didn't play sports, I didn't go on many trips, I didn't go outside...

Some would say I was deprived, lol. Then I had two kids... had to get a real job, met a great person who introduced me to this LIFESTYLE and I have been hooked ever since. And now knowing that all of the hard work, all of the money I had to save and all of the stress I've been through the past few years... I finally have in my possession a wonderful piece of me.

Forgive my nostalgia... I'm sure all of you understand how wonderful it feels to own a bike. It's not material at all - the bike becomes part of your life. She is good to you, she makes you feel alive. She gives you something to look forward to. She takes you wherever you want to go and she doesn't judge! I mean... who wouldn't want to experience this kind of love?

I guess you could say I am smitten... I can't wait to get back on her. I have a lot of improving to do!!

We get to Corydon and decide to park our bikes on the other side of the street where the ground is more level. We had to go around the town square and I get nervous. David catches the light before I do and I have to wait. I keep killing my engine because I don't give it enough gas. A lot of the cars wait for me because they probably feel sorry for me. Anyway, I get around the block and come to where David is. I pull my baby around and tried to stop, except to find out I have stupidly parked in LOOSE sand/gravel and I have lost my footing, locked my brake and down I go.

It happened in one second. I don't even know how I got up from under her because she was on my right leg. The right handlebar took most of the fall.

David was there immediately, so I let go of the bike and he picked her up. Luckily there wasn't any damage to her. I somehow managed to get this huge bruise on my left calf area... yuck. I was really surprised that I didn't cry! I felt horrible that she fell but was mad at myself for making such a noob mistake. I should have looked closer before I parked.

I led on the way back and it was AMAZING! There were some really tight blind corners that could have been tricky but thanks to MSF and the constant badgering that I have made myself remember (ie, look where you want to go, there could be a semi coming around from that other side, there could be water, there could be a tree down) I took the corner with ease and precision.

I feel really confident and comfortable on the turns but I have to remember to slow it down a bit. I am still a new rider, just because I can go fast doesn't mean I'm riding safe!

Was there a point to this blog? I can't remember. I can't wait to see my baby again! We don't have a garage at our house so we have to leave our bikes at his parent's place. Good thing they only live 5 minutes away or else David and I would have to invest in garage space!

To all my fellow riders... here's to the summer. Maybe I'll meet ya on the twisties!
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  1. Old Comment
    Alex's Avatar
    Congrats on the ride! Sorry to hear about the tipover, but good news that there wasn't any real damage.
    Posted April 5th, 2009 at 08:54 PM by Alex Alex is offline

  2. Old Comment
    sometimesido's Avatar
    It IS a lifestyle.
    Thanks for sharing.
    What bike does David ride?
    Posted April 6th, 2009 at 10:14 AM by sometimesido sometimesido is offline
  3. Old Comment
    rceezy's Avatar
    Originally Posted by sometimesido View Comment
    It IS a lifestyle.
    Thanks for sharing.
    What bike does David ride?
    My gorgeous baby owns an R1...

    Him @ Barber...
    Posted April 6th, 2009 at 05:13 PM by rceezy rceezy is offline
  4. Old Comment
    sometimesido's Avatar
    Nice! One of my buddies just bought an 08 and let me ride around his neighborhood. hehe.
    Posted April 6th, 2009 at 10:19 PM by sometimesido sometimesido is offline
  5. Old Comment
    im sorry to hear about your spill Rceezy!! but it happens to all of us... i tipped over in my driveway... but its all good... my baby didnt suffer much damage... i laid her down really slowly and broke most of her fall!!! =) enjoy your ride next time you go out!!! wow im looking at the dates and im real late lol... but i just started really looking around to this blog area...
    Posted April 28th, 2009 at 12:04 PM by djindia23 djindia23 is offline

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