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Old September 10th, 2009, 06:38 PM   #34
Sailariel certified postwhore
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Name: Alex
Location: Belfast, ME
Join Date: Jul 2008

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Dave, I was a Sergeant and medic in Vietnam 1968--1970. I was 26 years old and the majority of my charges were 18 and 19. There was a difference. These kids wer invincible--incredible warriors---the absolutely best we had. As good as they were, they did need to be reined in a bit, because their enthusiasm and youth could very well get them killed. As an NCO--E-6, I needed to be able to differentiate between youthful exuberance and the reality of the situation. We did kick ass. We also suffered very few casualties. It was a matter of knowing when to do what--and understanding our environment. Try to understand where your mom is coming from. My sense is that she is not some tyrant who is trying to shape you into some mold, rather she is trying to understand why you are so hell bent in engaging in self destructive behaviour (Her impression)--based on what she sees in the ER on a daily basis. Deception is not the answer. You guys are going to have to communicate at some point. It won`t be easy--but you can do it.
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