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Old September 22nd, 2009, 08:20 AM   #1
tjkamper certified postwhore
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Name: Travis
Location: Warwick, RI
Join Date: Apr 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninja 250R

Posts: A lot.
Some riders are just dumb.

Yesterday I was riding home the on the interstate and a guy in a nice shinny red ZX-10R comes up from behind and starts to pass me. I decide to keep up with him for a little bit to get a good look at the bike and kick it up to about 80 MPH. I ride along side him for a little bit and see some tire treds up infront of of the car he is tailgaiting so I tap my horn point and stick out my foot to indicate that there is something infront of him in the road. He changes lanes and avoids the treds.

Then as we are starting to get out of the city, he desides to open up the throttle and blows way past me. I know my bike isn't capable, and I'm not insane enough to even try that type of speed, even if I had a bike that fast, so I just hung back at about 75-80 MPH.

This guy must have been going about 130 MPH as he started up a long grade. I'm familiar with this area as I go buy it every day. There is a gap in the divider between the north and southbound sides of the interstate about a quarter mile from where he opened up the throttle. at least once a week when I pass this gap there is a cop hidding behind the barrier waiting for the unsuspecting speeder to fly past. Yesterday was no exception.

As I rode past the gap I looked in my mirror to see a Utah State Trooper mounting his BMW. I non-shalontly maintained my speed well above the legal limit, because I knew where the cop was going.

The cop passed me at what I can guest was about 95 MPH, he waved to me gave me a malivilent smile and then speed up to what I could tell was about 110 MPH. Of course the guy in the ZX-10R had encountered some traffic and the Police Officer caught up with him about another two and half miles down the road and was just getting off his bike as I went past.

I can't believe that someone could be so stupid as to ride that fast on a moderately busy public road.

I'm sure he felt like a big man when he blew me away with his 170 hp, but I'm sure he shiveled up like a little boy in a swimming pool when he had a run in with reality.

I even found my self hoping the cop was strick to the law and held no leniancy for the guy in the ZX-10R. He was going almost twice the posted speed limit, and in Utah that is considered wreckless driving and it warents an automatic suspension of your license and impounding of the vehicle.

I don't mind speeders, but there is no excuse for idiocy.
Addicted to anything that has an engine and rolls.
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