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Old February 4th, 2009, 11:19 PM   #12
Akai Suisei - 赤い彗星
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Name: Joseph
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Motorcycle(s): 08 Kurosaki 250, 09 Honda 600RawrRawr

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Originally Posted by Alex Allmayer Beck View Post
I, personally feel that listening to music while riding is a distraction that causes a dangerous situation. Just my 2 cents worth.
I feel it completely varies from person to person more than a black or white answer.

Some people can't have music in their ears and still concentrate. I don't mean just riding but multitasking doing other things or anything. Reading, studying, working, driving, etc.

As far as riding, some people can't keep their concentration, ego, and/or testosterone in check when their favorite tunes come on. Hell, some people get distracted easy from thoughts running through their mind all the time.

I have my ipod in all the time whether it be in the city, on the highway, or up in the canyons. The earphones don't go up very loud and it's about all the volume that is necessary. It's low enough that I can still be talked to at a stop. I can still hear everything around me as if I didn't have them in at all. When I get to the aggressive riding, I notice I tend to tune out the music. Once I stop I hear it again.

I also do my work in the office and school work with earphones in for years. As well as sleep with music on. So I'm pretty accustomed to doing things with music without excessive distraction.
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