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Old March 11th, 2011, 12:25 PM   #10
cb160racer newbie
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Name: Craig
Location: Sunnyvale, California
Join Date: Jul 2010

Motorcycle(s): My wife says "too many"

Posts: 7
Thanks for the additional info, gang. I didn't want to make my initial post even longer than it already was, so I didn't mention that I had already done a search of the forum to see if there were any threads about it. I also made damn sure the washer was pounded completely flat all the way around, I locked the rear brake and stuck a piece of oak through the rear wheel, I blocked both front and rear wheels with 4x4s, and I used a 4' length of pipe for leverage. In short, I've done this sort of thing many times before and tried everything I could think of before asking for help. It was so puzzling why it would be so tight that I thought perhaps there's some sort of trick involved.

I don't have an impact wrench, and my compressor is too small to use one anyway. The bike is pretty well apart so there's no easy way now to take it to a shop to use theirs.

Oh well, I'll just keep at it. Thanks again for the speedy replies and the information. At least I know it's not just me now!
Sunnyvale, California
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