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Old July 20th, 2011, 07:09 PM   #59
Liber sage
Name: Chris
Location: Arkansas
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Posts: 511
One funny thing is, International Law can claim something is illegal all it wants, but until someone enforces it, it is de facto legal. The other funny thing is there is only really one entity in the whole world that could even hope to enforce maritime law almost anywhere, and that's the US Navy. (and even that's stretching it) The Chinese are too busy posturing in their own waters. The Japanese are too worried about the Chinese to bother enforcing anything. The Europeans tend to stay in the Atlantic/Mediterranean, and the Russians are busy trying to remain relevant.

Both sides can throw all the temper tantrums they want. The eco-fascists are messing with Japanese researchers, which are weak sauce. Eventually, things will get violent, and the so-called "peaceful" contributors to this hooliganism on the high seas will be funding violence and death. Apparently they think the ends justify the means.
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