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Old August 8th, 2011, 01:26 PM   #15
Too40gawlf guru
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Originally Posted by Bushmaster11B View Post
The ball was blank and then signed. My Dad's best friend wa a chef at the Twin Towers Cafe and originally wanted to have his son there for he signing bu his son (age 8 at he time) ddn't like the Broncos. The signatures are iin good condition except Andre Townsend #61, He was RDE. The sigatures are real, I was there. What do you want from me? Do you wnt me to track down Elway himself? Yes they did mke copies and no this is no one of them. Dad's friend had it blank to set something up special for his son. Son didn't go so he asked my Dad if I wanted to. I went, end of story.

I tell you what, you give me a $250 deposit in my hand to cver professional authentication fees and I will provide a certificate authorizing the true nature of this ball by a professional. You can try to call my bluff, here is my offer. Don't waste my time with $hit talking kids (to whom it applies to).

I will post pic of smug I noticed on #61 signature.

Today is the last day for bidding on this ball. Tried to give Ninjetters a chance first because I did concider all of you my friends but then there are Pricks in the world that ruin it for everyone.

*can't freakin see, god PRK is kicking my arse*
So are you saying we're not your friends anymore cause we dont want your ball?

Let us know what you get on EBay. My bet is that it will be closer to $100 than $1000.
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