Thread: Stunt Gearing
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Old August 16th, 2011, 09:53 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by jonnyc View Post
Do you have a stunting cage?

I had to stop because I am way to new to riding to be doing that, plus someone I knew passed away doing a wheelie around the same time (no gear, just helmet).
No stunting cage, but I did make a wheelie bar attached to the rear of the frame and I do have Shogun frame sliders. It has light protection. Also, the slower gearing will help me be able to just jump down to the ground and stabilize the bike before it falls over or I crash.. in a perfect world. But you're gonna crash doing tricks on any two wheel device. I'm fully geared at all times.

I found a website that shows how they do the tricks and how to crash the right way while doing them. They want $20 for a year of access to the site.
I figure I can just youtube all the info free.

I understand how to do the wheelies. Just have to take it slow. When I want I can put it all the way up on the stock gears easy but I'd rather stay on the safe side and wait for that slower gearing..

It definitely does feel weird going past 10 right now.. I'm still learning to keep balance left and right too. I've been playing a bit farther back on the wheel after putting the wheelie bar on. hehe
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