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Old August 20th, 2011, 10:57 AM   #13
LazinCajun guru
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This is wrong wrong wrong. You don't want weight on the bars yes, but the ONLY way to turn a motorcycle at speed is to turn the handlebars. If you think you're turning it with your weight, you're really subconsciously pushing the handlebars. See the Keith Code No BS bike.

Originally Posted by ninja250 View Post
When the bike is leaning one way and wants to keep going that way, it's hard as hell to lean the other direction and turn it with no hands.. which is what you should be doing.
Very scary to learn. Your body weight controls everything. No weight on your bars ever.
bike drives itself where it wants to go in relation to your lean. It does not need handlebars accept for you to control gas and brakes and hold on but if you know how to ride it you can hold on anywhere.

the only time i countersteer is when going from one extreme lean angle to the other right away, as in a flip flop corner. In this case you might actually need to press on the bars quickly and precisely to get you over. Not very much though and it's still mostly about leaning the bike into the corner.

countersteering, in this sense (at speed in corners) just helps to initiate the lean much faster.
I'm barely even touching the handlebars while hauling through some nice twisties.
It more feels like I'm haulin butt leaning forward on a unicycle with no pedals only pegs.
I don't even recognize that there is a front end on the bike and it feels like I'm standing on the back wheel by it's bolts and leaning way forward while going through each corner.

Another time I may countersteer is if there is an object in the road on a twisty and I need to dodge it fast without interrupting my lean angle. It doesn't take much, just breathe on the handlebar and you'll zing right around the object.

To differentiate countersteer vs counterweight..

Counterweight would be what I do during a very slow U-turn. The steering isn't countering, rather it's stearing inward and turning as it should, but my weight counters to the outside of the bike to help balance at the low speed. In this manner, you can U-turn your bike in a very. very tight radius. This is counterweighting.
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