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Old August 20th, 2011, 11:59 AM   #19
You are sleeping
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Name: Casey
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I was holding on to the sides of the tank. Going fairly slow for a motorcycle I will say that. Downhill, so I did not need throttle. You can turn it around the corners without countersteering.
I guess the point Alex makes to me and perhaps this thread title is at what point do you need to countersteer.

I know for sure if I'm coming off a corner fast into another opposite side corner, I will flick the bars some to get it over fast.

I'm not sure I guess how it works at low speed..

But you can go without to a certain extent, being very careful because it's very creepy to lean the bike one way while it's already leaned another without hands on the bars.
It's huge mind over matter thing. Your instinct will be to jump off instead of to use your weight and position on the bike to your advantage. I find it to be good training for body positioning.
It can tell me where my body really should be during a given corner to take my hands on and off, as I feel my weigh in the center of gravity. That's how you know your body is in the right place, if you are balanced on the bike with no hands while cornering. This is how you stick your hand out and drag hands on the ground while dragging knee, you have to be balanced without your hands. Your body has to be in just the right place.

I don't know if I can explain that one properly. Probably something not useful I taught myself.
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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