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Old August 20th, 2011, 05:54 PM   #25
You are sleeping
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Name: Casey
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If you hold your bike by the back seat and lean it back and fourth the handlebars turn left and right with the lean.

That's what I mean.

At say about 45mph you can crank the ninja well into a turn no problem without hands countersteering you. Yes, the bike has to so you stay on but I'm talking about hand input.

If I can do it no hands (lifting them an inch above the bars) I don't know what the guy in the videos problem is. He must be going well over GMR speed like I do it. I think at the track you want to use your hands? haha

I want to try riding the yellow double handlebar bike. UP GMR with that nice throttle rig it has.

Also it looks like they are using a larger bike than a ninja for the double handlebars.
You guys tend to compare larger bikes to the ninja a lot in this respect.
they are much alike, but the ninja turns on a dime, nowhere near as hard as a larger bike like he is trying to yank all over the track in that video by the stationary bars. I'm starting to wonder what speed that was when I saw him do that, I'm thinkin over 80mph. More than double the speeds I claim it's possible.

they say he is doing massive weight shifts but I beg to differ. He's barely yanking on the bike.

You guys go too far with the countersteering in a corner and you're not going to be happy with the result. That video makes it seam as though you don't have to lean and you need to jerk yourself into every corner with the bars.
Keep in mind they are showing you this two up, and with huge harleys.
The ninja falls into corners so easy you don't even need your hands.
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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