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Old September 14th, 2011, 08:15 PM   #8
almost40 Monkey Spank
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Name: Kevin
Location: Illinois
Join Date: Apr 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2008 250R Track-Bike Woodcraft clip-ons and rearsets FZ-6 track bike

Posts: A lot.
All you have to do is boil then filter water (thru your shirt if needs be) and it safe to drink. So water isnt a concern. Food isnt a problem. Unless you have not, or cant hunt. Buy some MRE's
The most valuable thing will be Guns and ammo.
So head for the wilderness and bunker up.
Find a good spot with fresh water and limited access.
The biggest killer will be the weather and whatever virus pops up due to millions of rotting corpses.

Learn to make fire.
These are great
Get some range time if you have a firearm.
If you dont......your screwed.
Ditch the handguns.....Get a good rifle and learn how to use it....... at long range.
.223 and a .308 with a good high power scope. 5000 rounds for the .223 and 1000 for the .308 and your good.
Having a .22 with 5000-10000 rounds wouldnt be a bad idea either.
Dont forget your bow and plenty of arrows. (why waste ammo to eat if you dont have too)
Oh yeah a good knife and an ax and something to sharpen them with.
Hard to field dress a deer or cut down trees for shelter and or fire with out them.
A spool of fishing line and lots of hooks wouldn't hurt.

Dont have any of this stuff???
your screwed already.

Dont come looking for me.....My .308 is accurate at 700+ yards out and my .223 is good from 500 yards in.
At the point of a total breakdown....Ill shoot first and ask questions later.
Black 250R
Full Area P QC
Dyno Jet Kit 100 main 41T Rear Sprocket
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