Thread: DMV Hate!
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Old November 22nd, 2011, 02:27 AM   #1
caphilli member
Name: Chad
Location: Valencia
Join Date: Nov 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Kawasaki ninja 250r

Posts: 80
DMV Hate!

I asked a question in another topic but figured it needed it's own little headline. See if you can follow the story....

Started like this:

Ok, so here's the deal...

I got my bike 2 weekends ago and took the paperwork to the DMV a day or so after I got it. I paid all the fees and everything and the lady at the counter said that the person forgot to sign a part of the paperwork and that I had to go get it signed and bring it back. So she gave me a printout of what I paid and what needed to be done. I have since gotten the signatures but haven't been able to go to the DMV because I was out of town. I'd really like to ride today but don't know if it is legal for me to. I have the bike insured and all the paperwork signed and money paid to the DMV. It doesn't have plates, but that's because the DMV lady said to take them off. Does anyone know if it is legal for me to ride around? I'd really like to go for a cruise later. Thanks!!

A few days later:
Ok, so I made an appointment at the DMV for tomorrow afternoon, so I'll be able to ride whenever the weather clears up.

I have my license, so I'm fine there. I also have the plates for the bike, but the lady at the DMV said to take them off so that the person who's bike it was, if he happened to remember the license plate number, doesn't see it and mess with it. Whatever. So I physically have the plates, but was told to take them off and turn them into the DMV. Also, I now have all the paperwork finished. Signatures where needed and insurance (had that the day I got the bike). I have paid the outrageous DMV fees and have all the paperwork with me and a DMV paper showing I paid, showing the registration process in my name and my license number, and just a paper telling me what signatures I need.

But that doesn't really matter now because it's pouring rain out here in So Cal and I'm going to the DMV after class tomorrow. So, all should be good!

Thanks for the replies everyone!!

Alright, who else hates the DMV?!!?

SO.. After getting the signatures and the milage from the odometer written in I go to take the paperwork to the DMV this morning. Now, I made an appointment for 2pm but decided since my last class of the day was canceled, I'd save some time in the afternoon to study and just go in the morning when I'd usually be in class. I get there and get my number and take a seat.

15 minutes passes....

30 minutes passes....
(baby in stroller in the front row has been screaming now for at least 10 minutes)
45 minutes passes....

Finally an hour and a half later I get called. Go up to the window, give them the paperwork and expect to be handed my final registration and new plate. NOPE of course there's an issue.. Guy tells me that because the person who filled out the paperwork made a little mistake and scribbled out a number to correct it, that now the document is invalid and they can't accept it. At this point I put my head on the counter... looked up and said are you effin kidding me?! He said "that's the rule, sorry" Handed me a new form and said to go get it filled out. Pi**ed off, i told him the truth... the place i got it from is a good 70miles from where I live.. He again said that I had to redo the form and when I bring it back it won't take long.

So I leave and go back to my dorm. Luckily I have a friend who had to go out that way for an errand and was kind enough to take the paperwork out to the place where I got the bike and get the proper signatures. (He got a nice lunch) He returns around 1:15 and I figure hey what the heck I might as well go back and take my 2:00 appointment. Head over there, get my number, get called in less than a minute, give them the paperwork, get a new license plate, my registration and was outta there! All go to go for a ride tomorrow as soon as I get back to my house!

**End Rant**

haha So now I ask... Anyone else hate the DMV?? I'd love to hear your stories!
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