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Old January 29th, 2012, 10:08 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by coondog View Post
Eventually, if you're that lacking in motorcycling skills. Skills will get you much further, and I'm including common sense here too. And no, I'm not saying it's o.k. to ride in flip flops and minis, shirtless and helmetless. I thought of this when i saw a group of riders overseas looking like Michelin Man, taking off on a high speed road with ice cold tires, rain sprinkles raising my awareness of a definite downpour coming, and the group in a straight line in under 2-second gaps. There are alot of people, younger nowadays that are not made for motorcycling, it does take a certain person and skill-set, and grey matter with adaptability. Most people should be in a cage where they belong and play poser somehow through that venture.
This post, filtered through the mind of TBC, resulting in this post...

Translation: ATGATT is a good thing, but wearing a full set of gear doesn't protect you entirely and doing foolish things on a bike will still hurt you badly, even possibly as badly as if you weren't wearing any gear. Eventually, that is, if you're lacking in motorcycling skills. Skills (including common sense) will help you much more on a motorcycle than a full set of gear ever will. No, I'm not saying it's okay to ride in flip flop sandals and [a mini-skirt], shirtless and helmet-less. I realized this idea when I was overseas and spotted a group of riders [wearing little?]. I saw them driving quickly on a high speed road with ice-cold tires, riding single-file with little space in-between them; I could also tell that it was soon going to rain, making the road surface slippery and their activities even more dangerous. There are a lot of people, many of them young, who are not made for motorcycling. It takes a certain person and skill-set to ride a motorcycle, specifically someone who has the mental ability to adapt quickly to dangerous situations. Most people should drive a car instead, and somehow play out their motorcycling fantasies through that type of a vehicle.

At least, that's what I got.
equals wisdom in my book. I like seeing this side of Coondog.
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