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Old February 20th, 2012, 10:10 AM   #10
Accesories Guru
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Name: Dave
Location: Centreville, VA
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): '99 EX250(Cafe/fighter project)

Posts: 537
Originally Posted by akshay11 View Post
Right, I get that. But I guess what I'm asking is, even when you get on your bike for a 5 min ride where the speed limit is 55.. do you still wear shin high boots, pants, jacket, etc etc.. even in blistering heat?
The majority of motorcycle accidents occur at low speeds, within 5 miles from your house, this is because we lower our guards and think we are safe and home free. You might be saying to yourself " this dude is full of crap, I dont have to listen to his made up statistics!!", and I would say you are correct; you don't have to do anything that we tell ya but, my statement is true. The reason you wear ATGATT is because of the unpredictable nature of accidents, might not be your fault; might be some lady backing up form her driveway that did not see you, might be that since you are closer to home or work or the gym or school you decided it is safe now and you are not as alert as before, it might be that a pet got of its leash and ran to the middle of the road, might be a child who was holding said leash that ran after his/her pet in the middle of the road, might be a drunk driver on a sunday afternoon after the game driving a couple blocks back home. All of this things( only a few of the top of my head) can cause you to veer of course, drop your bike, slam on the brakes or fall, and all of them are encountered on relatively safe areas where the speed is waaaaaaay below 55 miles an hour. If you are wearing gear, you will come out relatively safe out of each and every one of those scenarios.

Gear is not for comfort( most modern gear is quite comfortable btw)it is designed to keep you safe and alive.

TL; DR: wear your gear, you will live. Don't be a fool wrap your tool applies too
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