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Old February 20th, 2012, 05:17 PM   #18
EsrTek certified postwhore
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Name: Eric
Location: Murfreesboro, TN
Join Date: Jun 2011

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I rode all last year in MGATT (Most gear ...) as I just couldn't afford it all before I was riding. I actually learned ATGATT here and why it's good to use, after I already had my 2nd bike.
It is definitely worth wearing all gear all the time, my 1st crash was on way back from getting cigarettes 2 miles away!! Glad I had my jacket/gloves along w my helmet that time!!! Saved me from a broken collar bone/hurt head going over handlebars!!

As for the heat, it gets hot and humid here, and as long as you were moving, it was not hot...sitting a light it can get hot quick. I really needed a water source of some kind last year, got it this year, but I would also suggest that to anyone newer to street riding in summers.

The mesh jacket, although a cheap one, kind of felt like a blow dryer at times w the hot wind going right through it, and in summer nights was a bit too chilly for me. This year I went for a leather/textile w 0 mesh. Utilizing zippers for airflow, so it's a bit more controllable.
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