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Old April 27th, 2012, 07:28 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by robmilchling View Post
Guys, remember that we're looking at this from a controlled point of view, with a good vantage point of everything occurring, the rider wouldn't have really anytime to think about this(as the entire incident happened all within 3 sec), and so acted on what he likely thought was the best course of action based upon what he was seeing. I agree that the 2nd rider should've moved over towards the right more than just shifting his lane position over a bit, but no reason to call him an idiot for acting on his own instincts based on the information he had to work with. I wouldn't be surprised to see a rider lock his brakes up in a situation like this, making it much much worse.

We all have had to make split decisions, luckily for most of us our reactions and instincts have led us away from danger, the second rider was incredibly lucky to have missed the car swinging back out like that.

I agree that he had to make a split second decision. I was calling him an idiot in the same way I would do it to myself after an incident like this. I have had close calls and after replaying it in my head I have on more than one occasion said to myself..."John, you're an idiot. What I should have done is blah blah blah...."..........

Funny how the right move to make in a split second decision is easy when you watch it 5 times on utube...................
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