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Old October 12th, 2012, 10:09 PM   #4
bkh2 guru
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Name: Ben
Location: R'lyeh
Join Date: May 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2006 GSXR 750; 1983 CB750SC

Posts: 277
The right side will heat up more because it wraps around the plastic tube of the throttle control. On the left side, it is wrapped around the metal handlebar. This causes heat to be transfered into the handlebar instead of into your hand. To fix this, try insulating the metal bar with something before wrapping the heat pad on it. In my opinion, they do not get as hot as I would like, but they get the job done. That is, I am able to ride for an hour while it's snowing and I can still feel my hands. One time, I completely lost feeling in my hands. These grips will prevent that (unless you're riding in like... -15C or less), but it might not be as comfortable as you may like. Nevertheless, I am happy with the purchase.
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