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Old April 17th, 2013, 08:54 PM   #21
toddblue68 member
Name: Toad
Location: USA
Join Date: Mar 2013

Motorcycle(s): Ninja

Posts: 31
Different manufacturers have different patterns, even within their own line-ups. The best approach is to shop around by first measuring your hands. Men do tend to have beefier hands, but the circumference is the primary measurement.

But to your question, there shouldn't be any difference other than width/length ratios between men's/women's gloves. The Alpinestars I've tried seemed narrower than others for the size (Elena Myers wears them, but couldn't tell you what her hands are like). Look for reviews where people say they're narrower, or longer, or whatever your needs are relative to other men's gloves you might have tried.

It takes time even for us guys.
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