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Old May 15th, 2013, 05:44 AM   #4
Daily Ninjette rider
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Originally Posted by ninja98r View Post
.........I was also thinking of drilling or using a dremmel to the nut but will try to wedge it off while turning again first.
You are welcome

Use something soft, like a plastic table knife instead of a screwdriver.
You don't need much force, only enough to force the nut to catch on the thread of the bolt.
Due to over-torquing, the threads of the nut or/and the bolts have been damaged on the section covered by the nut, which is basically spinning over the bolt now.

A Dremmel may work or not, because too much damage to the bottom section of the bolt means that the soft aluminum thread of the support could be damaged when that end goes up and through it (unless you make it smooth with a file first).

Just a couple of ideas.
Hope you can solve the problem soon.
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
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