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Old July 27th, 2013, 04:08 PM   #39
Daily Ninjette rider
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Yes, Alex, OP has videos of the needles going up when they feel the vacuum of the engine (another thread).

Originally Posted by xaple View Post
When I start up the bike I get a nice good idle.....

when I turn the throttle fairly fast the bike responds well.

If I slowly turn the throttle
the engine seems to run super rich and flood.
when the choke is on and i slowly give it throttle I get the same result.....

when I slowly give it throttle and it starts to bog down
the idle drops really low and either stalls or recovers.

Once the bike stalls I can not get it to start back up again unless I hold the throttle open max.
As over-rich mix only happens when the butterfly is opened and sustained engine vacuum reaches the Ventury, IMHO, it must be either those float valves that fail with vibration (temporarily flooding one or both bowls) or a case similar to that old thread where the guides of the needle were missing.

It seems to me that the oil should be contaminated with fuel at this point.

Maybe @choneofakind could remember if these symptoms could be related to enlarged P compensation holes in the slides.
.................................Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly
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Last futzed with by Motofool; July 27th, 2013 at 06:18 PM.
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