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Old August 14th, 2013, 12:48 PM   #22
Leaky member
Name: Leaky
Location: Ontario
Join Date: Jul 2013

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Posts: 10
Your Samsung charge issue is 99% not your fault or the fault of anything else. Note that I don't remember the numbers or sites (I'm at work) but I have this issue in my Car with my S4.

Samsung needs a stronger current to charge its phone. The samsung wall USB charger actually shorts one of the non-essential data wires initself sending a signal to the phone that it's A-Okay to "speed-charge". Some computers can do this too with certain USB ports.

You can google something like "Samsung usb cable short" or something along those lines that will come up with a few results. Alternatively you can try to up the Amps on the charger if you can, but the phone might still reject it and charge MUCH slower. I can leave my phone charged on the work PC for the full day and it charges like 20-30%. I can do that in 30 minutes at home.

Do the solder at your own risk though. You can also install an app/new OS for android with it built in. Afaik Stock samsung firmware will not allow it without their charger.

Note that the method used for the charger blocks data (since it shorts those wires to "send" a signal). so you might want to use a spare.

(IIRC you need a 2A charger to keep any sort of flow going).
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