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Old December 10th, 2013, 11:10 PM   #28
itslocfoo member
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Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
Humor me means I'm right, but I want you to learn for yourself through experience rather than just doing it because someone on the internet tells you to.

No, grips don't cause wrist pain. I've mentioned this before, but most issues with motorcycles are 99% operator error, 1% equipment error. Riders are so quick to blame the equipment before changing their riding style. Pretend that your handlebars are tubes of toothpaste without any caps. Your goal is to not squeeze the tube so tightly or put so much weight on them that they spew toothpaste all over the place. The only tired part of your body after a long ride should be your head from thinking about traffic and your legs from supporting yourself; not your wrists. Never your wrists. Sore wrists = too much weight on your hands, aka you need to work on your riding posture.
hahahah well i mean you seem like a very intellectual person thats why i am listening to your opinions.

I am excited to try that tomorrow morning hahaha. thanks soo much!
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