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Old June 11th, 2014, 04:50 PM   #17
supersport member
Name: Lee
Location: SF Bay Area
Join Date: May 2014

Motorcycle(s): Ninja 300

Posts: 97
Originally Posted by Aggrotech View Post
I understand how ppl say motorcyclists should ride defensively but they always seem to be extremely passive when it comes to the cagers driving ability..Like in the video on post 11. That person most likely didnt even look and according to some the rider shouldve just slowed down and not done anything, which just gives the cager a high 5 for being a piece of **** and they end up going about their day most likely doing it a few more times in the same day.
The fact is, cars will occasionally just come out of nowhere. You can't stop that no matter what. There is a million more cars per one motorcycle. What are the chances of everyone of them driving spectacular and know the perspective of a motorcyclist?

You can either think they all need to conform the the ways of the motorcyclist. And if you do, how can all cars conform to the motorcyclist mentality? Or you can understand and accept that cars at 1.5 ton -3 tons will squash you like a fly on impact. So ride accordingly.

I'm not giving them a high 5, but am i really going to expect every car to see me? Or even better, expect every one to drive perfectly in this perfect world we live in. Are you going to stop every bad driver for bull dropping and give them a good spanking? Your day will never end. Too many cars on the road and a lot of those drivers are just sleeping through life. And the ones that aren't sleeping just suck at driving.

Yes they will continue to drive their cars like that all day but when and if they do hit someone they won't see red like us. So why is this idiot playing chicken with them?

Expecting cars to cater to us is a ridiculous nonsense that will never happen in my lifetime.

The guy in the vid is a entitle idiot that think everyone should see him. You're on a freaking motorcycle "cars won't ever see you". Heck, even cars don't see other cars all the time and that is why accidents happen. Do you really want to fight with the 2ton metal with your 180lb flesh and 430lb scrap metal?

Last futzed with by supersport; June 12th, 2014 at 11:43 PM.
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