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Old September 6th, 2014, 05:18 PM   #12
yes, I'm famous.
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Name: matt
Location: Norfolk, VA
Join Date: Nov 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2009 Ninjette 250R

Posts: 80
So I dabbed out all the excess oil I had in the filter lol. While I was down there I decided to just go for it and open the carbs. And to my surprise the needle in the left one was bent... Not a whole lot, but it was very noticeable. I removed one of my washers (now I'm down to one washer in each) from the needles, sprayed some carb cleaner in there, because it can't hurt, and put it all back together.

After hitting the starter over and over and over again waiting for the fuel to deliver, it turned on. I let it run for about two minutes turned it off. I let it cool while I put my fairings and seat and everything back together. Then started it again and first try! It's alive!!

I'm thinking it might just be luck. So I'm letting it sit overnight and reporting back in the morning.
I cant wheelie and that makes me sad.
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