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Old February 9th, 2015, 09:46 AM   #42
wardie guru
Name: Larry
Location: Youngstown, Ohio
Join Date: Oct 2011

Motorcycle(s): 06 KLR 650,12 250 Ninja, 86 DR 125, 07 CRF 100, 09 Tomos Streetmate LEL Record Holder, 88 K100 RT

Posts: 434
good topic


I respect and appreciate your thoughts but respectfully don't agree.

I would be one of the guys who would say the less our government is involved the better we all would be. But I am also the guy who realizes that you just have to do some things that you may find distasteful for the better good for all of us. I advocate wearing helmets and getting training and continue that training , maybe every two years of going to refresher school like MSF or track schools if your so inclined.

At my age I've had my share of friends whose sons and grandsons have met untimely deaths due to making mistakes from being young and not understanding whats beneath you. You only get wisdom through miles, schools/training and sometimes pulling through msitakes. On a liter it's not easy to pull through a mistake especially if it's on the big end.

Actually I'm advocating the motorcycle manufacturers do some policing of there own. I sold my CBR 900 RR to a young kid. I took the time to speak to him about the bike, the speeds it will attain and what his riding exoperiences have been. Addiitonally I spoke directly to the father and told him how powerful the bike was. That he has a shared responsibility with his son in this purchase. I was assured proper continued training would be in order. The last thing I told the Dad was that this bike unlike others he may have had ..will Kill him if not treated properly. Please don't let me read about your son in the paper.

I also think as senior riders we have a responsibility to mentor these younger generation whether they like it or not. Sometimes you get through, sometimes you don't. But all you can do is try... I think that's more than any dealer selling a bike does. I've spoken to dealers and they say to a person it's not my responsibilty to determine what their skills are if they have credit we'll sell them the bike then ity's up to them. Sad but true..

FreelancMG I think w share the same concerns for our governments involvement in our lives but there ought to be some way to educate and protect when necessary beginning riders. Thanks again for sharing. Wardie
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