Thread: Terrible News
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Old March 16th, 2015, 11:35 PM   #95
corksil certified postwhore
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Okay. Fine. I'll bite.

I think flitecontrol needs to radio back to major tom and get a situation report because the times have changed and his/her understanding of this may be upgraded by recognizing and acknowledging the chip on his/her shoulder.

Me personally --- I like to think that I can speak on the matter because I have a chip on BOTH shoulders. In that respect, I am equally well-rounded. Hey, maybe I'm just a square.

If anyone would like to clearly identify exactly what exacerbates their frustration with the world... if anyone would like to step up to the stage and type out exactly HOW and WHY this modern world frustrates them, please be my guest. Me for one, could list endless problems -- but in doing so, I would continue to be none other than the source of the problem which we can't seem to identify.

I operate on a very simple premise. That which bothers you most... I'd like to potentiate it. I'd like to find the very thing which rubs you the wrong way, and then hook it up to a power tool and rub that wound raw and chafing. I'm in this for the blood. The tears. The heartbreak. I'd like to see the things that bother you, and then make them worse. Faaaar worse.

My motive is simple. This is how social progress is made.

There are two ways to solve any problem. The first being --- a solution! The second being... further exacerbation of the problem until a new problem arises, negating the previously accepted solution, and requiring a new solution to be designed. I like to think that I am good at solving problems. Try me.

So what is the real problem here in this thread? Our modern society thrives on identifying problems, which drives our consumerism culture. However, there comes a point in which we must recognize that identifying more problems is not what our best minds should be focusing on. I propose a shift in thinking --- let's stop feeling important by putting others down. Let's stop feeling important by pointing fingers.

Instead, let's try and come together and come up with a solution.

Then again, a new problem arises. The new problem is simple.

We haven't identified the problem.
Just batshit crazy. All his posts are endless diatribes. Some are actually entertaining but mostly batshit crazy.
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