Thread: Stunt Gearing
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Old August 16th, 2011, 09:31 AM   #7
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Name: Casey
Location: LMFAO!!!
Join Date: Nov 2009

Motorcycle(s): 2

Posts: A lot.
I'd love to post them and it's not actually like I'm doing too bad while I learn.
I can BP the ninja sitting and can definitely BP it while standing but it's a bit creepy since I'm new. People get angry at my videos when I don't do pro stunts lol. Then their comments sits there and goes through my head while I'm riding and will cause me to crash and push myself and I don't want to do either.

I'll post more videos when I can do something worth watching I guess.
All the youtube video warriors have many more videos better than mine to watch of people doing stunts. I'm just learning a few different wheelies. =)

Just taking my sweet time.
I gotta go find a new stunt spot too, the cops kicked me out of the airport yesterday and I'm already sick of going to palm springs to do stunts in 110*.
Now I'm hiding down some empty streets in the neighborhood just before dusk when it's cooler.
There's no good big industrial spots in this town for me to stunt at.

I'm really getting a good feel for how to clutch up and how much juice to use now.
The speed at which your clutch fingers operate is crucial. Other than that..
You basically have to use just about all the ninja's juice to clutch it up to BP really fast then back off and try to balance it out with what throttle you do have left. The new gearing should be a godsend.
__________________________________________________ <Yeah, it's a 250.
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