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8000Kms Later...

Posted August 23rd, 2013 at 04:51 PM by sassyninja

I love my bike, but I think Im good for a bit! After a 2 week long vacation and doing about 500kms a day Im more then happy to take my SUV to work. We rode about 1500kms down to the border... And made it all the way down to San Fran before deciding to start making our way back up towards Canada... What a trip!!! In so many different ways. The Oregon Coast.... Im so going back in a car so I can do all the touristy things like shopping, days at the beach, dune buggys, seal coves... Everything. Cali... Not a fan, mostly because thats where the trip had its worse moments and encounters! 1) its effing HOTT! 2) Ran into so many rude people, minus the cop who helped me find my partner after we got seperated in SF,late at night,and he had my bank cards passport and drivers license. 3) Got seperated from my partner and lost in San Fran 4) Got a speeding ticket... Still thinking about how to deal with that one!! Anyways, after SF we hit up Lk Tahoe, which is beautiful! Then up through Nevada where...
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Its offical, planning our first long bike trip *permagrin*

Posted June 25th, 2013 at 08:21 PM by sassyninja

Like the title says ITS OFFICAL!!!! ROAD TRIP!!! We are taking 2 weeks and gonna try to make our way to the California area. The plan is still under construction and Im super stoked about it! I wanna see EVERYTHING!! I havent travelled much ( just got my passport 2 weeks ago) so I have a hitlist thats 10 pages long. We were planning on sticking along the coast, as long as the weather co-operates. But we're also doing research to see whats going on along the way and trying to find places that people recommend. I think we ll be camping most nights with a few hotel nights mixed in there. I can t wait to explore the west coast! I love new experiences and I have a feeling I'll learn LOTS in the short amount of time we have.
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'Maning-up' like a lady

Posted June 17th, 2013 at 05:13 PM by sassyninja

After being told to "Man-up" I finally worked up the courage to take my Ninja to work, even thou there is some crazy and stupid seal coating sh*t being laid down along the highway I take. That and saving about 30$ a fill up was some incentive. I have to say I'm almost proud of myself for doing it! It's definatly alot sketchy and I probably pissed everyone behind me off but don't really care! I drove where I felt comfortable at a speed I felt comfotable, and I told myself every 10 seconds 'it's just like dirt biking'. I turned my mirrors inward to avoid feeling pressure from the cars riding my a** and only scared the sh*t out of myself a couple times.One time for going to fast for the 3 inch deep loose gravel I was on and then mid corner the bike slipped out a bit which means I was probably going to fast again. NOT excited to go home in the morning and have to do it all over again! But super stoked on saving gas money and getting some kms on Ninja. Money saved on gas = Shopping...
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Learning the hard way.

Posted May 12th, 2013 at 07:29 PM by sassyninja

Well.... its been awhile! (I passed my MST a few weeks ago and have been glued to my bike since... Well since it rained yesterday ) I put just over 1000km on Sassy in just over a week. Its a blast and I love it for the most part.
K this is the only place Ill ever admit this... I think my boyfriend was right... I wanted the waterproof ****! F**king rain... jacket-not water proof, gloves- not water proof, F**king rain! not to mention my boots-not water proof! I drive 300km (round trip) for my job... Learning about the weather APP on my iphone is somewhat useful, ESP when its showing me a possibility of rain. I need to invest in better gear. Or .... 'waterproof' gear... So to top off the effin wet and cold ride home I feel a cold coming on!
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My first ride! Pt 2

Posted April 20th, 2013 at 07:05 PM by sassyninja

Nothing 'bad' came of it so in a sense no harm done! He then started talking about how if your cold or hungry or tired how that can affect how you drive, so i decided seeing how I was a bit cold and hungry we should grab a snack in town. ' Is timmies to cliche?' hahaha apparently it wasnt so had my first timmies break on a motorbike! After our snack we headed back outta town (towards sunlight), it was crazy windy, which made me nervous seeing how Im a light build on a light bike.I was getting bullied by the wind! After about 30 min we pulled over and my partner asked how I felt and if I was ready to go back yet... what is this kid, a mind reader?... Yess I was ready to go home! On the way home bugs started pelting my visor. About 5 mins down road I have to pull over again cause my arms and neck are feeling the affects of now going against the wind ( it isnt fun! ). I complain for a bit and get a few tips about how to hug my tank and duck from the wind. I decided it was time to get back...
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Posted April 20th, 2013 at 07:04 PM by sassyninja

I walk through the door and run to my room where all my equipment is, I tear off the tags and get on my jacket, shoes, helmet, and gloves and run outside to where my partner is putting on my shiny new plate. Impatiently tapping my foot I boss him to go faster and to get his '****' on so we can get on the road! after what seems like an eternity I slam my visor shut and jump on my bike. I turn the key on and press the button an Sassy(bike bike) comes alive. She feels my excitment and we make our way down the road. Im nervous and my partner knows that, so we stick to quiet roads and make our way out of town to one of our favorite winding roads. At first I felt like we could be pushing the corners a bit harder but then soon realized why we were taking it easy. I found myself part way into a hard right handed corner going a bit fast(still within the speed limit) and to scared to lean in harder and to scared to brake due to the slippery wet road conditions. I was going wide around the corner,...
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