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Chapter 7

Posted April 7th, 2014 at 11:14 PM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

Well, it's been a little while. I re-opened up the blog area for unmoderated posts today, so figured I'd give it a whirl. Stats are pretty incredible since the last time I posted up here, approaching 700,000 posts with almost 16,000 registered members (~1,800 recently active). Kawi came out with the new 300, attracting a number of 250 owners to upgrade, and bringing new ninjette fans into the fold.

I've still been hemming and hawing about the software that we run this site on, and moved to a different product for another site I've kicked off ( But - vBulletin 3.X remains very functional, relatively easy to mod and maintain, and there are very few features that it is missing compared to some of the more modern suites. I prefer it over version 4.X, having tried that elsewhere on yet another site; and nobody seems to like 5.X. I do worry that at some point there will be this terrible security flaw that will force an upgrade here, but perhaps that's...
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Chapter 6

Posted May 28th, 2010 at 08:56 AM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

Long time since last update here; I'm a pretty piss-poor blogger evidently. We passed 3000+ users a week or two back, and at this pace will be passing 4000 and beyond in the very near future. 130k+ posts, far and away more new-gen ninjette-related posts than anywhere else on the planet. With all of that traffic, we've still managed to keep this place light-hearted, fun, stress-free, with so much less bickering and silliness that often crops up on forums. We did have to deal with a growing spam problem a few months back, but with some new updates (scanning all posts of new users, blocking known spammer emails/usernames from even being able to register), it's been pretty calm on that front for awhile. I'm really enjoying each and every new DIY, each of the new videos (many of them in HD!), and there is a rare day that goes by that I can't find something someone posted on this board to make me smile.

Happy riding, folks!
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Chapter 5

Posted June 18th, 2009 at 10:49 AM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

1000+ users, 50,000+ posts, and a whole bunch of happy ninjette owners apparently enjoying themselves here. What else could we want?
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Chapter 4

Posted May 31st, 2009 at 02:18 AM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

And now for some more fun... I've added two significant features to in the past few days. The first one is completely useless, and completely fun. Everyone like video games, and now we've got 150+ of them on the site for people to play with. Thousands and thousands of games have been played so far, and people are getting giddy about beating eachother's high scores. I love it! Here's a link to the Arcade.

On a perhaps more serious note (but still cool!), I've launched a new wiki on this website. It can be reached right at, and there's all of the launch information right in this thread. A few of our more websavvy members have been pushing for a wiki-like structure for awhile, and I hope that this will become a very useful section of the website. We're using the most widely supported wiki tool (mediawiki), with a few custom plug-ins to allow it to link pretty seamlessly with the rest of our vbulletin architecture. This...
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Chapter 3

Posted May 15th, 2009 at 10:01 AM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

Nothing much to report other than things are A-OK! 750 members, 40K+ posts, server is holding up, and participation is both voluminous and positive. I'm starting to work a bit more on the google SEO side to make sure that people who may be searching for a place like this can find it a little more easily, but that's a slow process that requires a bunch of faith and patience.
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Chapter 2

Posted February 15th, 2009 at 05:47 PM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

Well, things are just trucking along! 330+ members as of this week, and more joining us each and every day. I'm excited about the logo contest, I'm excited about the Area P raffle, and I'm most excited about the amount of new and interesting posts I find every time I visit the site. For the past week it's approaching 300 posts per day! Volume alone isn't the only measure of success, but the absence of volume could certaiinly be the inverse. And I'm glad that's not a problem.

Thanks for all of the suggestions and comments so far; each of them have helped make just a bit nicer for the rest of us to enjoy.
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Chapter 1

Posted December 9th, 2008 at 02:11 PM by Alex (How to Grow a Fun and Useful Motorcycle Forum!)

Beats me. But I'll give it a shot. I know what I like on other forums. I know generally what seems to work well. I've seen some great moderation, some non-existent moderation, and everything in between. I've seen boards with great user interfaces but no real content, and boards with terrible interfaces that have incredibly rich and useful content.

Can't hurt to start with a decent interface and work carefully to build the content by getting a friendly and helpful group of folks to the site. And we've been lucky so far to get exactly that!

From a technical side, software improvements and hosting improvements have made much of the nuts and bolts a little easier than they once were. Still needs some care and feeding with upgrades and monitoring, but much less than was necessary in years past. I've used similar software and implemented similar modifications on another board (, and I'm reasonably comfortable with most of vBulletin's...
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