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it's dangerous, kids

Posted November 10th, 2014 at 05:44 PM by alex.s

motorcycling is a bit like heroin. extremely addictive and if you aren't careful it can kill you.

i know 3 people who have broken their backs motorcycling. just be careful people.

i honestly wouldn't truthfully recommend that anyone gets into this hobby. there are much safer hobbies that provide the same fun and excitement. but for those who have already been bit, i understand it isn't something that one can just shake off like a pair of old socks.

i'm woefully addicted to my bikes. i guess that's okay. just be careful, kids.
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my thoughts on braking and turning

Posted March 12th, 2014 at 07:12 PM by alex.s

on these bikes, the actual amount of gas or brakes doesn't really matter (unless you have terrible suspension or tires). it's how you get to that point that matters, and how you get out of that point. you can go full brakes while you are all the way down on a well tuned fork and good tires... IF you do it smooth enough. not that you would ever want to do that unless you were trying to avoid someone crashing in front of you while you were already trailing it in. even then it's questionable. but to know that the limits in your mind and even the actual limits of the bike aren't really hard limits and that you can glide around beyond those limits if you're careful... it is something that's hard to be comfortable with. but if you can push aside being scared of crashing and just focus on being smooth and correct, you can do some terrifying things. i know you know that sliding isn't a real issue, reacting poorly to a slide is the issue. continuing to be smooth with everything and continuing to...
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Posted April 26th, 2013 at 04:47 PM by alex.s

what can i say about racing that everybody doesn't already know? well i'll tell you this right now. what you think you know about racing is in fact complete bullshit.

racing is very stressful. it is extremely dangerous. extremely challenging. racing tricks your mind into forcing you to push yourself in ways you never thought you would. ways you've told yourself many times you wouldn't. racing can legitimately scare someone like me who finds pleasure in danger and risk. and yet- still, there is something magical about it. all of that fear, anticipation and stress build up to a very long 15 minutes of pure ecstatic adrenaline. when you see those numbers start counting down... your engine revving just under redline... your heart --also just under redline-- is about to explode waiting for just the right moment when that flag drops... nothing else matters at that point. a war could be going on around you and you wouldn't see or hear it. you are focused on the shoulder of...
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Posted January 26th, 2012 at 03:49 PM by alex.s

there's something about motorcycles. something about speed. something about the vulnerability of doing 100mph at full lean, inches away from the ground. it must be what skydivers feel. the adrenaline rush that comes from knowing the fact that at any moment, if you fail your bike or your bike fails you, you will be sliding across the pavement or flying through the air towards disaster. its why we ride canyons. its why we drive like assholes. not only is it amazingly fun and enjoyable. its extremely addictive.

so what could possibly be better? i didn't know until recently. a friend told me about a racer who he had spoken to. the racer told amazing stories about racing and the track. he offered to help him get started. he hauled his truck, helped him with tools and the essentials and helped him get everything ready. i immediately dismissed it as too expensive. too much work. too much output for not enough reward. whats better about the track vs my local canyons? canyons are...
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2 years of riding... what i've learned

Posted September 6th, 2011 at 03:25 PM by alex.s

tomorrow marks the end of my 2nd year of riding motorcycles on the street. yay i've survived so far! i always like looking back and reading or remembering how i thought about things then. hopefully years down the road i'll look back at this and laugh at how silly and stupid i was.

It kind-of amazes me how different i think of motorcycles now vs before i started riding. i never really understood the whole "open road freedom" thing before. "open road? hows it different from being in a car with the windows down?" i would think. "freedom? i'm free to go places in my car!"... hah. when i thought of motorcycling i would think of the skills required for operating a two wheeled vehicle. i would think of how great super sports looked. back then, i don't think i would have ever considered getting an older bike. it used to be "kz1000? you mean that ugly old kawi that kinda looks like a harley?" now it's "kz1000, that beautiful beast of a...
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