What's the point of this site? |
I started this website because as much as I love the 250, I was never fond of any of the other 250 sites on the net. They either had a terribly clunky interface, an overdose of advertising, a limited community feel, and a bunch of other issues that I've probably forgotten. I want ninjette.org to be different. A genuinely fun place for 250R owners to come and chat about their bikes and motorcycling in general, with all of the latest features that modern website forum software can provide.
It's only been up for short while, but it's starting to be found on the larger search engines, and traffic will undoubtedly continue to creep up. I'm an experienced vBulletin guy and will make sure that this board not only has all the right doodads and features, but also the controls in place to make sure that it remains easy to use, easy on the eyes, and generally a low-stress place to spend some time on the net. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you stick around awhile.
- Alex |
Board FAQ |
Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links below or the search box above to find your way around. |
Blog FAQ |
The Blog system gives you your own personal blogging space at ninjette.org. You are able to create your own entries in as many separate blog categories as you choose, as well as control who may view and/or comment on them. |
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