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Old April 2nd, 2015, 05:46 PM   #1
cadd cadd cadd
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Name: Cadd
Location: 41°21'13.1"N, 74°41'37.4"W
Join Date: Jan 2014

Motorcycle(s): 300

Posts: A lot.
MOTM - May '15
Picture of other people's bikes

Got a cool shot of someone on a bike? Or maybe a cool bike in general? Post them here!

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I'll start. I opened the window and screamed at him to pull over. I had an air compressor in the trunk. I didn't want him to wreck. He yelled back saying he was less than 2 miles from home.

I told him that I'll follow him until he exits the freeway....watching his 6 for him since he was going much slower than the speed limit.

Impromptu group ride with a bunch of folks in the neighborhood. We don't know each other. But we recognize each other's bikes since it's a small town. And sometimes we'll just roll together for a few miles before one of us peel off. Sometimes when I peel off, they keep following me....I don't want them to follow me home!!!!

Riding it like I financed it.
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