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Old April 16th, 2015, 06:23 AM   #16
fishdip certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by Somchai View Post
So do I understand you right, that informations like this, given from an American company one can not trust, since they are cheating the people to sell more parts?
So what should we think about dyno runs showed from companies here in the forum i.e. about exhaust systems?
Would you say when they need to sell them then we should also not trust in their results?
Lucky one for sure can trust in any such information given from a German company
Any time someone stands to make money from any product I don't trust them 100% they are there to sell a product. How can a German company be trust? Do you have better laws protecting the consumer and are the laws strictly enforced?
Hey Unregistered never go faster than your brakes can be applied...
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