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Old November 18th, 2008, 12:52 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: Too much.
Ninja 250 = Gateway Drug??

I'm just curious what you all think of your bikes. Do you plan to move up to a larger bike once you "get used to" the awesome 250 power and are ready to properly ride a "real" motorcycle?? Or do you feel this bike is the cat's pajamas and it is all the bike you will ever need for the rest of your life?

For me, I've moved from previous CBR 600s to this bike and cannot be happier. I like my new toy and think it will be with me for many years to come. I love working on and modding the bike just to get a bit more edge than what it currently has, but, for me, the real kicker is when I hit the twisties and am able to carve tight lines quickly and effortlessly compared to my previous bigger, heavier, more powerful bikes.

So, what say you? Does this bike satisfy the itch or is your ninja 250 merely a gateway drug for bigger, better, more??

I'm very interested to hear what you all feel. I'm relatively new to the board, but can see the average user here is a bit more mature (read older) and sensible.

thanks in advance for your opinion.
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