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Old May 28th, 2015, 06:04 PM   #152
Urban Legend
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Name: Baron
Location: Brampton, ON
Join Date: Apr 2014

Motorcycle(s): 09 Ninja 250R SE - Circe

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Originally Posted by csmith12 View Post
Nice Baron! Progress being made I see.
Today was a good. Got some of the rust off and learned loads. Exactly the reason why I ride with experienced riders. Just following his lines helped me a lot.
I've started reading TOTW and there are a lot of things that I've been doing wrong. The biggest one being the first SR. Even during today's ride there were instances where I felt the familiar want of rolling off the throttle but I shook it off for the most part. The S turns being the case where I would let it roll of slightly before slowly rolling on immediately. I still have to start to lean more.
One of the rather big things I noticed today was the way my friend launched. He's done a lot of stuff which includes drag racing and it shows. He'd launch so fast from the line that before I knew it, he was already at least a hundred meters ahead of me(I'll post an example video in a bit) and he was on a 300.......there's isn't exactly a lot of difference between the two. Amazing rider.
Really showed me how much I have yet to learn.

Also another thing I noticed was how everything in the recording seems so slow. What felt fast or moderately paced in reality seems sluggish in the video.
"Life is like riding - You can either tear the fastlane in half or stay in the slipstream trying to play catch up."
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