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Old May 29th, 2015, 01:42 PM   #13
Whiskey certified postwhore
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Originally Posted by iamjacob View Post
Be careful betting your life on that argument. There's a video floating around where a woman basically does that exact thing to try and hit a guy splitting lanes. If I remember correctly, he stops just in time and they exchange some words.

When splitting lanes ALWAYS be very careful.
Fair point, not going to argue that.

I've been splitting on mountain & motorbikes for decades, where I am the lanes are just about wide enough to split, if someone tries to ram you they're not getting much speed to hit you & I'm going at a pace where I can stop if something seems dodgy.

They're also not getting away easily with the traffic here, so words (or an exchange of metal knuckled gloves ) may be had.

The knee sliders have a nice collection of mostly very expensive german paintwork from cars whose drivers act the prick, if anything most drivers pull over to give a little extra room to make sure they don't get scratched as the bike passes.
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