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Old July 16th, 2015, 05:31 PM   #35
Mountain Dew
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Name: Jaymie
Location: Oahu, Hawaii
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Originally Posted by jkv45 View Post
Not from my experience. When things go bad, physics usually takes over and gravity wins.

There are too many variables to be able to say whether he would have made the transition successfully. The height and angle of the edge, speed, the angle at which you transitioned over it, and specific factors of the motorcycle itself, all come into play. It could have been a non-issue - or a major problem - no telling.

It's all a judgement call for the rider based on his/her experience and confidence in his/her ability to correct any disruption in the bike's stability at the speed they are traveling.
I'll say this again. He wasn't the only rider on the road. Other riders made that transition on ****** bikes. Mopeds with 10" wheels can make that lip (Hawaii has tons of mopeds and tons of construction). He was overly cautious and put himself in an even more dangerous position because of that.

Someone mentioned it a few posts back, that this specific situation is covered in the MSF course.

Ride within your limits, but when your limit isn't even at a basic level, you should practice.
Life's better on the Mountain.
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