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Old August 9th, 2015, 03:21 PM   #77
Motorcycle Hypermiler
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Name: Vic
Location: Livermore CA
Join Date: Jan 2012

Motorcycle(s): 1999 & 2005 Kawasaki Ninja 250R's

Posts: A lot.
Great ride! Thanks to everyone for making this ride a lot of fun. Kudos to Teri for organizing this! The weather was good, the traffic torrible and the people fantastic! It was awesome to meet more Ninjetters and share our passion for ridng together. I was very glad Alan was able to join us and he sends his best regards.

I got home about noon today. Alan and I continued our ride down 88 after after we parted ways in Buckhorn. We continued south on 49 then turned east on 120, ending up at my vacation home in Groveland. We headed home enjoying some cool backroads between Knight's Ferry and Escalon. It was all was just fabulous!! The only negatives were an oncoming cager oblviously turning left in front of us causing us to take evasive action and I got stung by some insect through my mesh jacket .

I can hardly wait til we put together another ride.

@ NevadaWolf, your lead pace was fine, I saw the same gaps behind us and you reacted appropriately.

the fuel economy results:

Alan 116.9 mpg, 2005 streamliner
Vic 86.1 mpg , 2005 partially streamlined ( fender, windscreen, aerotrunk)
Chris 74.2 mpg, new gen 250 , 15/41 gearing
Bob 71.7 mpg, Honda CBR500
Teri 60.7 mpg, new gen 250
Jacob 51.2 mpg, new gen 250
* Alan algs26 , 300, either my mistake, incomplete top-off or someother issue, or we have a future Vetter Challenge champion lurking in our midst.
173 miles/1.44 gal= 120.1 mpg , gotta submit that one for drug-testing
Thanks for everyone participating in helping us get some valuable side-by side comparision data.
235 MPG Hypermotorcycling to a better tomorrow
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