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Old August 29th, 2015, 07:55 AM   #22
Ninja Rob guru
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Name: Rob
Location: Texas
Join Date: Sep 2014

Motorcycle(s): 2004 Ninja 250

Posts: 342
My commute to work is 7 miles. I ride around the apartment parking lot in 1st and 2nd gear to warm it up a little and test the brakes. My commute to work ranges from 40mph - 60mph zones. My temperature gauge is higher in the slower speeds but cools down when I hit the higher speeds where there is less traffic lights. Its not a short commute for me. The job I had before, it was a 3 mile commute, 11 traffic lights, 40mph zone all the way, and I would still ride to work when I didnt have to drop off/pick up my child from baby sitting.
Before life ends, Some people want to climb Mount Everest, some want to go to Disney Land, some people want to visit Paris. Me, I want to ride a motorcycle.
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