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Old September 17th, 2009, 06:20 PM   #64
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: Too much.
10:00am - Jon did a fantastic job yesterday breathing on his own and is off the ventilator again this morning for another trial.

11:00am- Jon was a little resistant to his exercises this morning (his arms and legs were tense when they were trying to bend them) however, his aunt noticed that his eyes were tracking her for a little bit while she paced the room. We've also noticed for the first time a new facial expression. He has a little curling of the upper lip (almost like a snarl) and an angry brow. This could be in response to his pain or possibly some agitation and anger. We're not sure but either way this is a good sign of his improved responses to stimuli.

3:00pm - They've given Jon some morphine and he is now more relaxed and resting. He is still breathing on his own. The nurses want him to have some quiet time so we've left him alone at the moment and will return later this evening.

via: Penny Kim
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