Thread: 335cc
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Old September 29th, 2015, 02:53 PM   #223
bruce71198 sage
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Originally Posted by InvisiBill View Post
If you're still looking for cooling options, there were some Suburbans (I think older ones) that had heater cores in the rear, with fans attached to them. Some of the SyTy guys used them as aux radiators for the intercooler system. They were sized to fit well near the foglight openings if I remember correctly, so they might be a bit small to use as a main radiator.

I found using a '77 Suburban heater core, but it doesn't seem to have the fans included. It actually looks like it's a decent size, compared to the front end of an S-truck.

The VFR800 has dual radiators mounted along the side, with the fairing ducting air in from the front-center and out-back through the radiators.

(Recognize that tail?)

I know the VFR is very different, but maybe it could work to set up two smaller radiators (like heater cores) more toward the side like that. I have very little actual experience in this department, I'm just tossing out options that might trigger someone who knows something to figure out some great idea...
Thanks for the info. I sat in the radiator warehouse for hours one night going through their heater cores trying to find one that would fit. Found many candidates but opted for this radiator I found at a swap meet, now if I can figure out what it fits I'll order a new one.
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