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Old October 18th, 2015, 08:33 PM   #26
Misti sage
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Originally Posted by psych0hans View Post
It's not really the speed, rather the perception of speed that really gets me. I'm not really a Fast rider and rarely go above 40-50mph, unless it's a really long straight and I can see way ahead. I just tend to panic way too quickly and get on the brakes way too soon, sometimes even if my speed is way lower than the corner might allow. Like I might panic on some turns even at speeds as low as 30-35mph... Those are generally blind turns or decreasing radius turns tho...
If you are having trouble with your perception of speed and panicking on some corners even if you are going to slow, it has to do with what your eyes are doing and what they are looking at. Chances are you are allowing your vision to tunnel down, not look far enough ahead, and fixate on things that you think may be dangerous. This alters your sense of speed and makes you feel like you are going faster than necessary. If you don't see enough around you then you don't have enough space. Not enough space = not enough time. This goes hand in hand with what I suggested above about looking for visual cues from the road to see what the corner is going to do.

Basically you want to be looking further ahead and ensuring that you aren't target fixating or allowing your vision to tunnel.
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