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Old October 20th, 2015, 04:33 PM   #52
cadd cadd cadd
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Name: Cadd
Location: 41°21'13.1"N, 74°41'37.4"W
Join Date: Jan 2014

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MOTM - May '15
Nothing's going to happen to the old man. He got charged. So what? Doesn't mean anything. The prosecutors have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the old man INTENTIONALLY tried to hit the rider.

How can they prove that? The burden of proof is with the prosecutor.

Maybe the "I don't care" comment at the end will end up biting him in the ass...but when they question him on the "I don't care" comment, he can always say "I really don't care if I hit someone. I have insurance for that. But I didn't hit him on purpose. I heard motorcycle engines roaring and I was startled and accidentally jerked the steering wheel".

If they go to a jury trial, how would you think the 12 men/women would feel when they watch the entire video of these two guys going "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" with their bikes passing other motorists illegally cutting across the double yellow?

So I guess, at the end of the day, the riders didn't help themselves out by riding like asshats and the old man didn't help himself out by saying "I don't care".

If he were a bit smarter, he would've came out of the car shaking and cover his face with his hands saying "OMG OMG OMG I'm so scared".
Riding it like I financed it.
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