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Old November 10th, 2015, 11:52 PM   #10
Roark sage
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Name: James
Location: Lakeland
Join Date: Aug 2014

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Originally Posted by Jesper Hedegaard View Post
"Winther leathers".....I was just about to write that there is no such thing - then I noticed U are located in sunny Tennesee - so what could U know about cold weather. I mean; looks like U never experience anything colder than the mid fourties ~ 8 degrees C.
When we have cold weather, we are about 0 C - dropping to -10 to - 15 C occasionally.
Even if the "normal" riding season here rarely goes below 0 C, then the windchill factor soon gets the better of you.
Leathers are by many considered as too hot in the summer and too cold the rest of the year ;o)
Protective gear is available in many fabrics now; even jeans and hoodies are available with kevlar reinforcement. Perhaps not so suitable for cold weather riding, but there are plenty of jackets and trousers with various reinforcements. So reinforced that I believe they not only rivals leather in terms of crash durability (as in sliding down the road - not crashing into things ;o).
So - if it's not a matter of personal preferrence, there is no need to freeze in leather no more ;o)
I've lived in TN my entire life, and it gets down to 25-35 degrees F (~-3-0 for you) in January and February. The average temps for these months are higher, but commuting in the mornings before the sun has fully risen, no matter in TN or Michigan, is BRUTAL at near or below freezing temps.
"That's what" -she
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