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Old November 12th, 2015, 08:36 AM   #4
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How does it ride you ask? It sounds like the explosions are happening on the inside of the engine and never escaping. Even though the engine is running it sounds like it's suffocating and barely coming out of the exhaust. I did not check this end of the muffler.
Back in the mid-'80s the Ford Motor Co. had a problem with the subcontractor who was providing the manufacturer's OEM mufflers (for their V-8 engined models). The defective mufflers would quickly deteriorate and as they fell apart internally they would restrict/block the flow of exhaust gases. The result was exactly the "suffocating" sound you described for your EX250. And this greatly affected performance.

Did somebody stuff something up your bike's exhausts? (I've read accounts of people finding their children's toys crammed into exhaust pipes)
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