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Old November 19th, 2015, 11:01 PM   #25
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MOTM - July '15
Originally Posted by choneofakind View Post
Ever consider maybe you just suck and aren't ready for passengers? Both skill level and responsibility level? For gods sake, she's related to you, forget how long it takes you to get from A to B.

If your passenger is tapping out, that's all on you. You need to educate her and work with her. Pull over real time and work on stuff as it happens. Have you considered letting her pilot it so she knows what it feels like and can understand what you're experiencing when she rides on back?

Scraping pegs at a slow pace. Ha. Still wrong, but a step in the right direction. Other thing to consider: maybe she's just not a performance rider and will never be comfortable with it leaned. That's something you cant change.
I started to point out all the willful ignorance in your post, but then I remembered who was posting it and realized that there's no getting though to you and erased it all.

But, strawmanning aside, it's possible I'm not ready for passengers skillwise, but something to consider is that I don't think I've really gone over 35 degrees when turning. That's not "performance" riding. A Razor scooter is a more dangerous form of transportation. I don't consider myself a performance rider, either.

Also, I don't think I've mentioned, she hasn't complained to me. I've talked with her before and told her that she can't be moving around, and all she says is "Oh okay." She claims she isn't uncomfortable, but she clearly is.

Originally Posted by Ghostt View Post
Or maybe his passenger just isn't a motorcycle type person?

I've ridden a bunch with 2 up, and some like it, some love it, and some just don't, and nothing you can do as the operator to change their minds.

I personally change my style of riding, as you must do with any passenger.
If I rode the way I did with my sister on the back, I'd commute by bicycle everywhere instead. I've had a few people on my bike and I do whatever they're comfortable with and run over some protocol before we ride so they know how to communicate "go faster" "pull over" "slow down" etc. I had one girl who was cool with whatever I did. She was pretty fearless, and she was also so small that I hardly noticed her back there. It's amazing how little 80lbs feels compared to some other people haha.
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