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Old March 1st, 2016, 06:43 AM   #15
Name: A
Location: IT
Join Date: Feb 2011

Motorcycle(s): 2 many 2 list

Posts: A lot.

As a bicyclist for over 25 years and a motorcyclist over 2 decades, I have put more miles on 2-wheel vehicles than most people have in cars in this country.

Realizing that I am an outlier, my methods for survival on 2-wheel vehicles on public roads are somewhat unconventional for the masses to adopt; but they have serves me well over the last 25 years and they continue to serve in my daily 2-wheel commute in the busiest metro area in this country, NJ, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queen..

Making yourself visible to other vehicles is one important factor of survival; not only with your gear, but also with how you maneuver your own vehicle.
I weave within traffic lane to attract attention, especially prior to stopping at a traffic light. Position your vehicle where you are not boxed in by the vehicle in front of you.

Always look for "ways out" instead of slowing or stopping, because as soon as you touch the brakes, you are limiting your options to avoid obstacle.
When the brakes are being applied, 2-wheel vehicles have less available traction to maneuver, operator is more likely to fixate vision on the direction of travel and miss out on options.
Always look 3-4 vehicles ahead, not just the vehicle directly in front of you, planning ahead always allow more time to react.
In most situations, 2-wheel vehicles are far more maneuverable and far better at avoiding impact than other vehicles on the road. Know your vehicle (well), practice and use its capabilities to full advantage.

All these can be done without spending money on your vehicle and transferable skills among all vehicles you operate.

Last futzed with by "A"; March 3rd, 2016 at 07:16 AM.
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