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Old March 1st, 2016, 01:56 PM   #25
algs26 guru
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Originally Posted by Animoto View Post
I'll look into it. I'm just trying to see where to get help because I spoke to the lawyer and I asked about a law suit. His response was that the car, the house, nothing is under the kids name. she doesn't work or have anything to lose since she's 17 and owns nothing so the court fees and other factors involved in a lawsuit would cost me more than I would be getting from her.

But I'll still look into it because although it is over, I I'm very resentful of her taking me out because she couldn't drive to the end of the block to turn. The worst part is that I had friends I met online and rode with weekly, we where going to the tail of the dragon in a few months. eerr sorry totally out of the topic but I'm going to remember missing out on that for a long time

I'm no lawyer but if the girl is driving someone else's car, I believe the registered owner of the car can be pursued.

For example:
If a company truck rear ends you, you can go after the company. I think Tracy Morgan sued Walmart for his accident.
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