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Old April 29th, 2016, 12:08 PM   #22
Brother Michigan sage
Name: Aaron
Location: Winder, GA
Join Date: Jun 2012

Motorcycle(s): 2013 Ninja 300

Posts: 718
Originally Posted by jkv45 View Post
The reason it goes to 4000 after making the idle speed adjustment is because you turned it a bunch. Turn it a little, give it a quick rev, then check it again. Turning it 3 turns will make it idle at 4000.
This is what I noticed as well. After turning the idle adjustment knob, give the bike just a little bit of gas to let it settle at the newly-set idle RPM. The idle speed when move a little on its own when you're trying to raise it, but it needs some gas to get up to its new "happy place". Also, make small adjustments; it looks like you gave it a good two full turns from where you started (in total, not just after you turned the idle down by accident), which is a lot. Try it about a quarter turn at a time.

I'd go ahead and get your idle speed set to somewhere between 1200 and 1500 RPM (or whatever you prefer, but that seems to be the norm) and see if you can replicate the problem you described earlier. If this IS the problem you described earlier, then it looks like it's an easy fix!
DISCLAIMER: I generally have no idea what I'm talking about.
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